LEGACY UTOPIAN VISION We are a group of Year 12 students taking part in Legacy, an extra-curricular activity which aims to raise awareness for a cause we believe is a serious issue in our society – mental health. Our team name is Utopia as we want to make a change to create as perfect a state of mind as possible. Our team are up against Project Relief who are tackling another very serious issue – homelessness. Both are obviously very important causes but we still hope to smash them in the upcoming finals! We chose to tackle mental health in teenagers at school by taking part in Year 10 Enrichment Days as well as doing assemblies and workshops in other schools. We also organised a bake sale, where we raised over £600, for mental health charities. We plan to volunteer for Soho In Bloom where we will plant flowers on Soho Road to improve the local environment to affect mental health. You can follow us on Instagram @teamutopia_ ENRICHMENT DAY - 06/02/19 The Year 10s designed masks to demonstrate how they felt and to symbolise how we mask our true feelings. We also created a massive paper elephant which symbolised ‘the elephant in the room.’ The students were given post-its and encouraged to write down any issues and stick them anonymously on to the elephant. 39