On an exciting and enjoyable July evening at the end of a memorable year for all concerned the Year 13 students of 2016/17 celebrated the school’s first ever Year 13 Prom. The event was held at Parklands Banqueting Suite and organised by a number of students but two must take real credit for showing the drive and determination to make the event a huge success. Aliyah Mohammed and Riju Shah together worked tirelessly to promote the event to fellow students and to make the evening a huge success. It was a delight and a pleasure to see so many of our Year 13 students enjoying themselves at the end of their HGS careers, before they moved on to the next stage of their lives. A number of informal prizes were awarded by the hostesses of the evening Ms Angela May and Mrs Pauline Anderson, as they recognised some of the students for their contribution to school life over the previous two years. A number of staff also attended the prom and it was a delight for them to see our wonderful students dressed so beautifully in their finest attire. 23