KE VI HGS launches new Prospectus

Our new prospectus is now available. Click here to view it.

Blank catalog, magazines,book mock up on wood background with cup of coffee

HGS E-Newsletter (20-10-17)

Year 7 Foundation Welcome Ceremony

Half Term Letter

Lost Property – 2nd November 2017

Effective Revision Tips

What are the most effective ways to revise so that you retain knowledge and understanding for future use? This is a question that we have addressed in the past but it is so important that it is worth revisiting. In this article, in the Guardian, we are given a clear summary of what works and what doesn’t based on analysis of hundreds of studies by researchers in the US. If you want to commit ideas to memory, you should test yourself on the material and do this in a distributed way, rather than trying to cram everything at the last minute. It also confirms that learners should be wary of just re-reading and/or highlighting as research suggests this has very limited value because it is not making them think very deeply about the material.

HGS E-Newsletter (13-10-17)

Football Success

The Year 10 Football team beat King Edward VI Aston 1-0 in their recent Cup game and Year 9 drew 3-3 with King Edward VI Aston in their League match. The Year 7 Football team beat St John Wall 6-1 in their recent League game. Congratulations.

KEVI HGS joins the King Edward’s Consortium

King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys has joined the King Edward’s Consortium for the provision of initial teacher training. Please see the KEC website for more details. This initial teacher training link will augment the work we already undertake with the University of Birmingham.