Midsummer 1915 part 1
The Bridge – Extract from Midsummer, 1915 – Part 1
Despite the distracting influences of the outside world the school has been as active as usual in the various branches of its work during the last two terms.
The School Sports, the Inter-School Sports and the O.T.C. Inspection have all come and gone, and now the school is anxiously awaiting the Swimming Sports and, of course, the Midsummer Examinations.
Upon the occasion of the Prize Distribution on December 18th, 1914, Professor de Selincourt treated those present to a very fine speech on the dangers of specialization. Afterwards a French Play was performed by members of the school.
The custom of choosing a fine day for the Sports was resumed this year, consequently there was a very good attendance. Everything went off well and a good afternoon’s sport was witnessed.
We had hoped to be able to claim the honour of being the only editors of The Bridge who have had the pleasure of recording two successive victories in the Inter-School Sports. But it was not to be, for after a stiff and not very conclusive contest the Shield went elsewhere. Nevertheless the team acquitted itself well and brought back three trophies and a new record.
The O.T.C. has continued its work of preparation for the Inspection with increased enthusiasm. A large number of parades have been held and the result has been a steady improvement in all directions.
The house football championship went to Handsworth Wood House, which was represented by a very good team. The house cricket programme has been reduced to one round in order to prevent the term being unduly congested.
The School team has been most unfortunate in losing its matches by very narrow margins. The 2nd XI has been more successful and has won most of its engagements.
The pursuits of the N.H.S have benefited by the unusually long spell of fine weather which we have recently enjoyed. The rambles have unfortunately been somewhat interfered with by the other school affairs with which the Summer term is always crowded.
May we, in conclusion, urge the boys who next year will form the upper school, to remember that it is by them that these branches of the work of the school must be continued? A very large number of the boys at the top of the school are leaving this term and it may be that some of the others will be called upon to take their places sooner than usual. To them the school looks for renewed honour and increased prestige.
School Notes
The School has been unfortunate in losing two of its masters this year; Mr. C. G. Mould and Mr. G. M. Hilbourne.
Mr. Mould has been a master for many years and his departure means the absence of a figure prominent in many branches of school life.
Mr. Hilbourne has taken up a commission in the Royal Field Artillery. We wish both “good luck” in their new spheres of life.
We offer our healthy congratulations to Capt. England who has just recently received his promotion.
It is with great pride that we notice the continued lengthening of the list of masters and Old Boys serving with His Majesty’s Forces. There are now nearly two hundred names, including between fifty and sixty officers.
Great excitement was caused by the visit of 2nd Lieutenant C. H. Hill during his leave in England. We are pleased to see that he was able to present at the Inter-School Sports.
We can claim to be true prophets, for anyone caring to look back to last year’s “Bridge” will find that we said that Tommy Welch’s turn would come. The turn, when it came, was 5 feet 3 inches!
On the other hand we wish to offer our sympathy to Fletch whose bad luck made all the difference to us.
Judging from the eloquence discovered at the debates of the Literacy and Debating Society we feel that there is no danger that the great political orators of to-day will lack worthy successors.
We wish to offer our hearty congratulations to M. Le-V Struth on his success in Responsions at Exeter College, Oxford.
So far as we know the first Old Boy to give his life for his country was W. Langdale of the 16th Lancers who fell in the fighting near Ypres on May 26th, “Billy” Langdale was very popular during his stay at school. He left in 1899.
We are proud to record the distinction conferred upon Lieutenant Theodore Weston, of the Berkshire Regt. He has been awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in the field.