Religion, Philosophy and Ethics

- Mrs V Donoghue – Head of Department
- Mr F Khan
- Mrs C Yates
Our vision for the delivery of religious education is informed by our context. We are aware of the diversity of cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds from which our pupils emanate. Many of our learners are from families who follow their faith with devotion, and many of our young people subscribe wholeheartedly to the beliefs of the household and their community. For the overwhelming majority of our young people, this will be a non-Christian faith.
Our responsibility is to provide:
- all learners with a knowledge and understanding of a multitude of faiths and belief systems – in order that pupils can live and work in a culture of mutual respect and tolerance within our diverse community in school and a multi-cultural city and nation
- detailed and comprehensive learning opportunities relating specifically to Christianity and its various denomination – in order that pupils can engage positively in British culture and society as citizens who understand the belief system that underpins much of our current legal and political architecture.
- pupils with extensive opportunities to explore, question and appreciate their own faith – in order that they can develop spiritually within their own community.
Course Calendars
Please click here to view the Course Calendar for 2024-2025
Religious Studies is taught to all students throughout the school. The scheme is based upon the Birmingham Locally Agreed Syllabus and is interpreted in the light of the needs of the school.
Year 7 and 8
In Years 7 and 8 student s follow the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Studies.
Students focus on two objectives: Learning about religion and learning from religion.
Students follow a thematic approach which examines the six main world religions as well as some concepts which run throughout all religion.
Year 9
All students begin a GCSE in Religious Studies. Students will begin an in depth study of Christianity and a second religion of their choice.
Year 10 and 11
Students follow AQA syllabus A (8062) in Religious Studies. Students will gain an in depth knowledge of Christianity and a second religion of their choice and be expected to answer questions on key beliefs and practices. Students will also look at how religion responds to the contemporary moral issues of:
- Religion and Life
- Religion and Peace and Conflict
- Religion and Crime and Punishment
- Religion, Human Rights and Social Justice
Key stage 5
Students opt for an Advanced Course in Religious Studies, which focuses on Philosophy, ethics and developments in Christian thought. Students follow OCR syllabus and study modules including:
- Ancient philosophical influence
- Soul, mind and body
- Arguments based on observation
- Arguments based on reason
- Religious experience
- Problem of evil
- Nature of God
- Religious language
- Natural Law
- Utilitarianism
- Situation Ethics
- Kantian ethics
- Business Ethics
- Medical ethics
- Meta ethics
- Conscience
- Sexual ethics
- Human Nature
- Death and the afterlife
- Knowledge of God
- The person of Jesus
- Christian moral principles and action
- Pluralism
- Gender
- The challenge of secularisation.
RPE debate club runs on Monday Lunchtime for KS3 and Wednesday break time for KS4.