Christmas 1915 part 1
The Bridge – Extract from Christmas, 1915 – Part 1
Once more into the breach, dear friends! We have pleasure in presenting our readers with the current number of “The Bridge,” and trust that we have maintained the high standard of efficiency which our predecessors attained.
Since our last number we have been unfortunate in losing most of the senior members of the school, and still more so in being deprived three masters.
The chief events of the School Term were the Inter-School Swimming Sports and the N. H. S. Exhibition. It is gratifying to record that in the former our representatives once again vanquished all opponents. Owing to the 1st Class baths being occupied by a military unit, there were no School Swimming Sports this term.
The N. H. S. Exhibition was most successful, the proceeding being varied by the introduction of a Sing Song in place of the usual Lantern Lecture. The tea was greatly enjoyed by those present, judging by the hilarity of some of the younger boys.
Our Football elevens have not enjoyed the success we had hoped for, but, for our size, we have reason to be proud of ourselves in the matter of sport. The House Matches lead us to believe that there will be a keep fight for the Championship.
The Cricket championship was won by Heathfield with Soho as runners up.
The O. T. C. has suffered serious losses in its personnel, for besides Captain England on temporary Military duty, many N. C. O’s. have left the School, but there is a spirit of enthusiasm prevalent amongst the present members which leads us to hope that these losses will be less severely felt. On his departure the Corps presented a handsome cigarette case to Captain England.
The Natural History Society has enjoyed some very successful rambles. Those who took part in them derived therefrom much benefit and pleasure, but it is surprising that these rambles are not even better supported.
The Literary and Debating Society has commenced its new session, and has enjoyed a fair measure of success. We, however, still urge members of the upper forms to attend more regularly.
During the summer holidays, many boys spent a very interesting month in fruit-picking in the neighbourhood of Evesham. Besides affording valuable help to the farmers, and doing their bit for the country, they enjoyed themselves very much. Also some boys went as munition workers, doing good work in that capacity.
The Headmaster has informed us that, in conformity with other schools, there will be no public prize distribution this year, but that boys will be no public prize distribution this year, but that boys will be awarded such prizes as they have obtained at the end of the term. Personally we do not see the connection between prize distribution and the war, but we bow to the ‘powers that be’ in the matter.
In conclusion, we hope that, notwithstanding those impediments and handicaps inevitable at such a time as this, the boys will continue their work and play with the spirit which has always been shown, and which has obtained such successful results in every branch of school life in the past.
H. W. W. Garratt.
B. Davis.
S. V. Hobson.
School Notes
We have been very unfortunate in losing three of our masters during the past term, Captain R. E. England, Mr. H. A. Allison and Mr. S. G. Norman.
Captain England has accepted the post of Musketry Instructor at Strensall. He was in command of the school contingent of the O. T. C at the time of his departure.
Mr Allison leaves us to take up his duties as an officer in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Mr Norman, who has left to take up military duties, has occupied the position of Art-Master in the school for some time.
We wish all three the best of good luck in their new spheres of activity.
The Sixth Form Mudpatch has lost is glamour, its successful rival being the goalposts now placed in the middle of the field.
Poets? and libellous cartoonists still rejoice in the Sixth Form Notice-board. Usually we do not favour strong measures, but we feel that they will have to be adopted to overcome the talented contributors. We know several of the latter, but do not mention names.
The sum of £2 was collected in aid of the Red Cross Fund, and the collection to provide woollen comforts for 2nd Lieut. H. E. Moores’ section of bombers was also successful.
Judging by fumes emanating from Room 9 we have reason to believe that H. G. S. is starting a poison-gas factory.
We have engaged Detective Herlock Sholmes of L. & D. S. fame to enquire into the matter of the mysterious secret societies which seem to abound in some of the lower forms.
After looking steadfastly at the water for a minute or two at the close of a race at the Inter-school Swimming Sports, a boy was heard to remark that the other school were nowhere in it.
Played ‘Mac.’! And he did play well with 52ft. 3ins. To his credit in the ‘Plunge’.
Most of the Seniors having left, great things are expected of their successors.
It will interest some boys to know that T. L. Fletcher. Who will be remembered by most of the school, and who is now on active service in France with the Fordon Highlanders, is a fully qualified machine gunner. At the Divisional Fun Course Exam, (5 officers and 2 men from each battalion), Fletcher obtained 98% of the total marks, and was classed as “Distinguished”. The course was of ten days duration.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to the relatives of all Old Boys who have given their lives for King and Country.
“In pace requiscant!”