Sixth Form

A little over 5 years ago our Sixth Form students moved into a brand new £1.6 million Sixth Form Centre. This fantastic building designed by Birmingham architect Richard Johnson, includes a café, common room, board room, ICT suite, and seminar and classrooms. It is a state of the art facility which ensures that our students have the finest study facilities available to them.
The building was officially opened by Lord Jones of Birmingham and compliments the existing facilities available for students; these include the school’s Learning Hub and Silent Study room.
The Sixth Form Centre also hosts the offices of the Careers and Work Related Learning teacher and the Exams Officer. The Sixth Form senior staff are also based there along with the Sixth Form administrator.
We are all extremely proud of our facilities and students know that there are clear rules and guidelines for appropriate and responsible behavior. All students are expected to show consideration for others in their use of these facilities and these expectations are reinforced by tutors and senior staff each week.