GCSE Science Live

On Monday 23 January 2017, 20 Year 10 students attended ‘GCSE Science Live’, a series of lectures delivered by some eminent scientists.  Talking about their areas of interest were chemist Professor Andrea Sella, physicist and frequent television presenter Professor Jim Al-Khalili, anatomist Professor Alice Roberts (who also has numerous TV credits), engineer Professor Mark Miodownik and space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock.  A senior examiner also gave advice on success in GCSEs.

Sharujan Kunaruban writes: We enjoyed lectures about space and the stars, ‘stuff’ and how we are unable to recycle our smart-phones, evolution and our similarities to chimpanzees, and water, including how it is the only substance that as a solid (ice) can float on its liquid form.  I thought that the lectures were insightful and we learnt plenty of new Science.’

Mr Jones