Grove School Maths Olympiad

A number of our Year 12 students helped at the Grove Primary School “Maths Olympiad”. They assisted the Year 5 teams who had all come to Grove School for the tenth annual Maths Olympiad. Our students were very supportive of the younger pupils as they work their way through the very challenging mathematical problems which were set as part of the Olympiad.

Our students were great ambassadors for HGS and this was another example of the good work we undertake as part of our wider outreach programme.

The students who assisted were:

Simran Dhariwall, Anupreet Sohal, Ajipal Chandan, Rahul Patel, Diren Gill, Anika Areej, Rajdeep Thandi, Arjun Borhara, Arandeep Mann and Amolak Mann.

Mr Conway

Grove Maths Olympiad (1)

Grove Maths Olympiad (2) Grove Maths Olympiad (3)