D&T News

Please click on the link below to read an article which was published in the DATA Magazine recently which features innovative work undertaken at HGS by Ms Hill. The HGS D&T team are at the forefront of Innovating D&T: West Midlands.

DATA Magazine Article

Winter Concert 2016

Around 70 students descended upon the Ladywood Arc on the 15th December 2016 for HGS’s Annual Winter Concert. The winter concert provides an exciting opportunity for our very talented musicians to perform in one of our cities best venues. This year was particularly memorable for it was our 5th year using the venue.

Our concerts at HGS always provide a vast array of different musical genres from the classical and romantic era’s all the way up to the modern genres we are used to today. The winter concert is no exception. Festive music found its way into the programme with the school Orchestra performing ‘Walking in the Air’ from the Snowman, we heard a performance of ‘sleigh ride’ from our Woodwind Ensemble as well as tutti renditions of Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas, which provide the audience with an opportunity to participate in the concert. Film Music is also quite popular at our concerts with the Senior Keyboard Ensemble performing ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and our Woodwind Quartet playing ‘Somewhere in my Memory’ from Home Alone. In addition there were several solos and duets throughout the night. These included Balkaar Bhopal playing the Waltz in C sharp minor by Chopin, Isaac Minto playing Mr Benn by D.Lamont on the Clarinet with Karl and Robert Frater playing Andate by Antonio Vivaldi on the Guitar. Our current Young Musician of the Year Josef Feiven played Movements I and II of the Camille Saint-Seans Morceau De Concert for Horn and Piano.

The concert was a fantastic celebration of the musicians we are fortunate to have at Handsworth Grammar School and I hope that you will be able to attend the Instrumental Progress Evening on Thursday 16th March 2017, HGS’s Young Musician of the Year on Thursday 4th May 2017 and the Summer Concert (13th July).

Winter Concert 2016 (226)

Winter Concert 2016 (159)

Click here to see more photos in the gallery.

Winter Concert 2016

Chinese New Year

Handsworth Grammar School is extremely excited to be celebrating the Chinese New Year, on Tuesday 31st January. This is a great opportunity for students and staff alike to discover a new culture, and to embrace the diversity of our world. This event was brought to life by the students through the School Council, of which I have the privilege to oversee. It is always a pleasure to see these ideas come into reality. I hope to see everyone in the canteen, enjoying the delicious Chinese food being served. On behalf of the School Council and Senior Prefect Team, I’d like to wish you a happy Chinese new year!

Best regards,

Seth Griffiths, Chair of the School Council.


Chinese New Year

HGS E-Newsletter (13-01-17)

Social Media and Young People

In the last few days two very good articles on the use of Social Media have been published on the BBC Education website. Please see the links below and take some time to read them carefully as all our children are impacted to a greater or lesser extent by Social Media and the wider Internet.




Year 9 Parents’ Evening

HGS E-Newsletter (06-01-17)

Extreme Weather Guidance

Should there be the need to close the School due to bad weather a notice will be posted on the Website, Facebook and Twitter by 6 am and a text message will be sent to both Staff and Parents. Please be vigilant and patient. 


Trussell Trust Foodbank

Handsworth Grammar School donated over 9,000 items of food to Reverend Roger Collins from the Trussell Trust Foodbank. This donation was made possible by the hard work of Ms Elaine Brown and her form and the wider generosity of the Handsworth Grammar School Community.

Trussel Trust Foodbank

Trussel Trust Foodbank (01)