Rewards and Sanctions
It is better to praise than to punish, but we have systems for both.
Praise should be given not only for outstanding work, but also for achievement, commitment, helping and other such virtues. While teacher praise is probably the most motivation reward, our systems include Merits and the giving of certificates for achievement, progress or commendation, together with colours for Arts, Sport and Community work. Our prize giving night is our highest profile rewards event, which enables us to celebrate the achievements of our School community.
While we prefer to reward than use sanctions, there are times when sanctions are necessary. Reasons might include failing to complete homework or inappropriate behavior. The sanctions are incremental, but range from a short lunchtime detention to a week of after school detentions or a period in the inclusive support unit. In extreme cases we reserve the right to give a Saturday detention or to require a student to attend on a Staff Development Day. Our intention is to help the students develop a sense of personal responsibility and therefore the majority of students never experience these sanctions.