Yr 12 – Snowdonia

A group of ten year 12 AS Geography students recently visited the Snowdonia National Park in north Wales, as part of their Geography course.

Led by Head of Geography, Miss Wharton, the students enjoyed the stunning scenery of Snowdonia and spent the day marvelling at the diverse landscapes there.

The weather stayed remarkably fine for most of the day and all of the students gained much from the opportunity to experience real Geography in the Wales’ largest national park.


 Snowdonia1-2012 Snowdonia2-2012


Aston League Football Results

The Year 8 team beat Holt 9 – 0

The Year 7 team beat Holt 4 – 1

Congratulations to both teams!

District Football

Suhja Mehmood 8H has been chosen to represent the Aston, Erdington and Saltley District football team. This is quite an achievement as it involves the combination of three districts rather than one therefore there are more schools that the district can choose their players from. He scored on Saturday against Wolverhampton which took his tally to 6 goals in three games.


National Awards for School Support Staff National Winners 2012


The Association are pleased to report that the National School Support Staff Awards 2012 took place at the Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London, on Saturday 6th October 2012 and were a huge success.

NASBM have been running the National School Support Staff Awards since 2005 to raise the profile of school support staff and ensure that they receive the same level of recognition that the Teaching Awards provide for the teaching profession.

These Awards provide schools with the opportunity to recognise the contributions that support staff individuals and teams make to the success and achievements of the overall school environment. Support staff are in many cases the unsung heroes of a school ensuring the smooth running of activities so that there is no disruption to the teaching and learning and provide a safe and enjoyable environment for pupils.

This year NASBM introduced the ‘Team of the Year Award’ for the first time to recognise the growing number of teams that exist within a school and the essential contributions that they make. We had received feedback from schools that it could prove difficult to select just one individual that stood head and shoulders above the other members of the team.

The introduction of this award has seen the nominations significantly exceed the entries that were received in 2011, making the process of selecting the finalists much harder for the judges. We are delighted to have continued to receive such huge interest in the awards again this year.

The awards ceremony took place on Saturday 6th October 2012 at the Thistle Marble Arch, London. The national finalists in each category attended the Awards Ceremony and we are pleased to announce that Handsworth Grammar School’s Canteen Staff won the ‘Team of the Year Award’.


International Tournament

The following boys (left to right- Corey Blackett Taylor, Donnell Benjamin, Cairo Brooks Hoo) all participated in an International Tournament on the 28th- 30th September at St Georges which is the new England training base. They represented Aston Villa against the following teams-Arsenal, Bolton Wanderers, Sporting Lisbon and Athletic Bilbao. Corey and Cairo also represented Villa against Newcastle United on the 5th October. We will keep you posted on their journey with Villa.



Next Generation Award

All of year 7 entered the Next Generation Award which is organised by the Birmingham Civic Society. The purpose of the project is to produce a plan of a project that could be run in Birmingham to make a difference to a certain group or area. The year 7 had to think of a project and then present it to their form tutor. The best presentations were then chosen to deliver to a panel from the Birmingham Civic Society. The winning group from this then represented the school at Newman College University. Overall two groups gained a silver award and 6 groups a bronze award. This is made more significant in this was achieved by year 7 students when almost all the other schools were represented by year 9 students. We will be continuing this award in our Citizenship days this academic year.


Mobeen Mohammed 8A with Anita Ward Deputy Lord Mayor

Horrible Histories

26 Year 9 students went to the Town Hall to see the VILE VICTORIANS as a reward for good effort throughout Year 8. They were horrified by the stories of unsanitary conditions in the Crimean War, shocked at the number of people who tried to kill Queen Victoria and glad that they will ever have to risk life and limb as a 19th century mine worker, factory apprentice, chimney sweep or night soil man. The 3D bridge collapse was a bit too real for comfort but not as gruesome as the 3D rats!

(Honestly, it was good fun and they definitely learned some of the things that are  not in the history books. They were so lovely to take as well and just brilliantly behaved.)

Charity Fundraising Success

Many thanks and congratulations to everyone who took part in the non-uniform day recently.  We raised over £1,500.

Twilight Training

On Wednesday 27/3/13 School will finish at 12 Noon for Students due to a change in the Twilight Training Programme as published in the Calendar.

Ski Course

There are still places left on this year’s Ski Course, leaving December 29th and returning January 5th 2013.  Wouldn’t you like to spend the New Year in an amazing place skiing with your friends?  Click on the extra-curricular link on the school website for more information. Letters are avaible from Mr Bird (Geography) or from the reprographics room.  Hurry; places need to be booked by Friday 12th October!