Cherry Orchard Outreach Visit

On Wednesday 15 March 10 Year 8 students visited Cherry Orchard School once more to support learning in Science lessons.  Rishi Patel writes: “We taught two Year 5 classes about how to get tomatoes down a mountain using metre rules, weights and newton meters. We taught them what newton meters are, how to use them and what they measure. We showed them how many newtons everyday objects weighed, from pencil cases to pens – we weighed anything we could get our hands on.  We then moved onto trying to balance a metre rule with different amounts of weights on either side (it wasn’t as easy as it sounds). We then looked at pulleys and how they work, with Mr Alishah.  Both classes worked very well and listened to our and Miss Saleem’s instructions very carefully.  The trip was an amazing and enjoyable experience and I would love to have this opportunity once again.  I would like to thank Mr Jones and Miss Saleem for selecting me to go on this trip; it was a total success and I hope the Year 5 classes have learnt something new”.