Sixth Form Enrichment Day

February 10th saw the school have its fourth Enrichment Day of the year. Students came off timetable and either took part in house activities, or were able to hear presentations from guest speakers on a range of topics.

All of the guest speakers commented on how positive HGS students had been, and what a warm reception they had received from our students.

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Brian Hession, Senior Associate with Shoosmiths solicitors in Birmingham working with Year 12 students on an in-tray exercise to demonstrate how Solicitors have to prioritise tasks on a daily basis.

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Jenna Sellis and Stephanie McCoy from “Educating Minds” working with Year 12 students on managing stress.

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Keshav Bhatt from “Revolution Hive” working with Year 10 students on “What Makes a Great Man”.

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Charlie Fogarty, himself a victim of a near fatal road traffic collision working with Year 10 students.

Civil Service

Gary Badley and Andrew Willis from the Department of Works and Pensions who worked with Year 12 students on opportunities in the Civil Service.