Exciting Enrichment Day

Tuesday 13th October saw the whole school off timetable as a range of activities took place on the first Enrichment Day of the new term.

The Sixth Form students were particularly busy with a number of guest speakers visiting the school to speak to our students and they also took part in a variety of activities throughout the day.

Year 12 students heard presentations from Keshav Bhatt a former HGS student who now has a social enterprise organisation called Revolution Hive. Our school business manager, Mr Gareth Morgan, himself a former naval officer spoke to the students about the wonderful opportunities available in the armed services. Zoe Boon and Catriona Severns from accountants EY, spoke about school leaver and graduate opportunities within their company. Fire fighter Ian Sturmey from Sheldon Red Watch gave a graphic and occasionally harrowing description of the effects of reckless and dangerous driving among young people. Two of our 6th Form tutors, Mrs Chandan and Mr Dhillow led some work on domestic abuse, and made our students think carefully about preconceptions they may have held.

Year 13 students heard presentations by Dr Liese Perrin, from Warwick University who spoke about her academic career and the opportunities which she has had following her Humanities degree. David Maxwell from the University of Aberystwyth, an old friend of this school, gave advice on personal statements and the UCAS process and Beth Crossfield and former HGS student Manraj Dhanda spoke about their work with City Year UK, in Handsworth.

In the afternoon, Year 13 students took part in a range of activities from ”cooking on a budget”, yoga, rock climbing and jewellery making.  Great fun was had by all and the Food Technology department became a very popular part of the school, as students tried out the various foods prepared by our students under the direction of Head of D&T, Miss Bullock. Year 12 took part in a treasure hunt around Birmingham which tested their skills of collaboration and resilience!

Mr Conway

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More photos from the day can be found in the photo gallery.