GCSE Science Live

On Monday 2 March, 20 Year 10 students (along with about 2000 students from other schools) were given the privilege of going to ‘GCSE Science Live’ in Birmingham’s Symphony Hall.  We listened to some of the best scientists from around the world such as Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Dr Simon Singh, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Professor Lord Robert Winston and Professor Andrea Sella.  We heard about time- travel and space and that it may be possible to travel through time. There was also a lecture about ‘How the zebra got its stripes’ and another in which we saw how your brain can trick you, for example into thinking you have heard something that wasn’t actually said.  Overall it was a fun and educational day and we found out a lot about the scientific world around us.  I think this benefitted everyone’s understanding on how far Science stretches, and perhaps it helped some students decide what they want to do and be when they are older.

Suffian Fadl-Elahi