Haworth Trip
8.00a.m. Friday, October 25th. It’s dark, it’s raining, the M6 is closed and Mr Conway has a heavy cold. It’s the day of the Year 13 trip to the Bronte Parsonage Museum in Haworth…….Despite these disadvantages, 16 intrepid students and 3 teachers made the journey up the M1, reaching their destination at 11.25 – only half an hour and one hill-start on a 9 gradient later than scheduled. The rain had lifted, the mist disappeared and the village and moors were revealed in a way that made ‘Wuthering Heights’ come to life.
As usual, the HGS contingent was a credit to the school. They listened carefully to the guided tour of the village and churchyard by Sue Newby, curator of the museum; they asked interested questions, took relevant photographs and, in the case of Catherine M, made a video film! After the tour was a visit to the museum itself which provided a chance to see the kitchen where Emily Bronte listened to the wild folktales of her Aunt and the grandfather clock that Patrick Bronte faithfully wound on his way to bed each night, as well as the opportunity to dress up in early 19th century clothes (your secret is safe with us, Jonathan and Curtis!)
Before finishing up at the local fish and chip shop for a well-earned, late lunch, the students attended a lecture on critical approaches to ‘Wuthering Heights’ which was of undergraduate standard and, by their contributions to the discussion, they once again proved themselves a receptive and intelligent audience. The journey home was long…..and by the time the mini bus parked outside school, it was pouring with rain once more…… Nevertheless, a worthwhile and valuable day was had by all.