It All Adds Up 2019

On Wednesday 9th January, we had the opportunity to attend Oxford University for It All Adds Up 2019. Our day consisted of a series of talks and workshops held in the Andrew Wilde building. Our first session highlighted the underlying aspect of maths in every profession. Professor Christl Donnelly, an epidemiologist, explained how analytical statistics can prove to be vital when looking at the spread of disease and the probability of it turning into an epidemic – this was concluded through the reproductive value, R, in which a value greater than 1 could start an epidemic.

Additionally, Dr Vicky Neale expressed the difficulty in the seemingly simple topic of prime numbers and how mathematicians, both past and present, are working to advance the knowledge known in this field. We were also presented with a more interactive session of maths in which we were required to do a range of challenging tasks which proved to be extremely intriguing.

Overall, It All Adds Up 2019 was a great event that enabled us to recognise the wider applications of maths and the range of opportunities one could dwell when pursuing maths.

Taslima Ali 12KDR