London Trip
On Friday the 12th of November, yr 13 geography students made a trip to London to hear a conference about the general state of geopolitical affairs and current superpowers.
The conference lasted a few hours of which we were briefed as to environmental concerns and hazards that may be faced in the coming years, as such preparing us with a wealth of knowledge. This build-up of our knowledge was an informative eye opener into affairs not always addressed or explored making the trip worthwhile and contributory to our studies. Although, the trip, as a whole, was not limited to pure educational purposes, as with time to spare we were able to delve into Westminster abbey and visit Trafalgar square, an insight into our own local politics as well as an enjoyable exploration into the local history including past monarchs and important peoples. Night life within London was to say the least bright and coloured between the light line of cars trailing past and buildings piercing the sky adding an extra layer of depth into a place so different by a change of day. Rounding it off with a mildly overpriced meal and visit to m&m world (so thick with sugar you could breathe it in), we were interrupted in our schedule by some minor territorial disputes caused by the unfortunate underbelly of society but lucky for us we had quickly improvised alternative travel plans, ensuring we all got home, albeit at 11:30pm however, Mr Thaper ensured we got home safely with taxis.…