Science Biology Live
On Wednesday, 13 November 2019, 20 A level Biology students attended the Biology Science Live Conference at Birmingham Town Hall.
We had the opportunity to hear lectures delivered by some of the best scientists who are working at the cutting edge of their specialisms. This included Dr Robert Winston who is a pioneer figure in IVF, Medical doctor and distinguished scientist who gave an interesting lecture exploring human reproduction and its manipulation has helped to re-paint the picture of the human story. We also had the pleasure of listening to Dr Giles Yeo, a Principal Research Associate at the Metabolic Research Laboratories and Director of Genomics/Transcriptomics at the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, University of Cambridge. He instilled humour within his crucial talk on diet which really captivated the audience. There were lectures delivered by Dr Jenny Rohn on the fascinating and terrifying world of bacteria. On top of this there were A-level Biology examiners who gave key tips to gaining the most marks in our Biology exams making the event well rounded and more focused on A levels.
The students had an amazing time and this will hopefully give them an insight into prospective degrees and careers that they may wish to pursue in biological subjects.
Many thanks to Mr Hussain for organizing the trip and Mr Alishah for accompanying!
Aslan Chaudary 12ANI