shortcode testpage
shortcode testpage
[sws_3_columns title=”Column 1″]stuff to go here more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line][/sws_3_columns][sws_3_columns title=”Column 2″]stuff to go here more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line][/sws_3_columns][sws_3_columns_last title=”last one”]stuff to go here more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line]more here[sws_divider_line][/sws_3_columns_last] [sws_highlight hlcolor=”fbfac7″] Hi Becs!this page might be useful to try some shortcodes. [/sws_highlight] [accordion auto_height=”false” ui_theme=”ui-smoothness”][accordion_panel title=”this is an accordian”]the content goes here [/accordion_panel] [accordion_panel title=”panel 2’s titile”]and panel 2’s content [/accordion_panel] [accordion_panel title=”Panel 3″]more text [/accordion_panel] [/accordion] [sws_blockquote_endquote align=”” cite=”Dann” quotestyle=”style01″] I like the block quotes – This is dummy text. It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies [/sws_blockquote_endquote] [sws_blockquote_endquote align=”” cite=”Dann” quotestyle=”style02″]there are a few styles – It is intended to be read but have no meaning. As a simulation of actual copy, using ordinary words with normal letter frequencies [/sws_blockquote_endquote] [sws_box_with_close box_size=”630″ close_button=”sws_red_close” color_box=”sws_blue_box” rounded_corners=”0″] lots of options! [/sws_box_with_close]