Gifted and Talented

‘Gifted and Talented’ Initiative

Handsworth Grammar School endeavours to provide for the individual needs of all of its students and, therefore, we will seek to provide learning opportunities and experiences appropriate and specific to the more able, gifted and talented within the school community.  As well as providing appropriate learning for such students during lessons, enrichment opportunities are organised, and students can also receive financial support to pursue their own interests out of school.  A small selection of recent examples include

  • attendance at a residential ‘Medlink’ Conference at Nottingham University and Medical School
  • attendance at a residential ‘Exploring Law’ Conference at Nottingham University
  • attendance at ‘Headstart’ Engineering Courses at London Universities
  • attendance at Summer Schools for ‘Gifted and Talented’ students, such as at Warwick and York Universities
  • ‘Interview Skills’ Workshops, delivered in partnership with other local schools
  • support for attendance at Birmingham School of Acting Courses
  • support to obtain sports coaching certificates
  • support for attendance at a piano masterclass in Warsaw
  • participation in ‘Sound City’ Music Showcases in partnership with other schools
  • visits, for example to the National History Museum, during which Sixth Form students mentor younger students


In addition to these, there are a large number of departmental visits and trips organised within specific subject departmental areas.  Students are encouraged to register with the Young Gifted and Talented Academy on