
Privileges in the Sixth Form amount to a lot more than just being allowed to wear a different tie! Unlike other students in the school, Sixth Form students do not have a full timetable of lessons. Study facilities, supervised by members of staff are provided and we expect students to spend the majority of their non-contact periods in the Learning Hub/Sixth Form Study Rooms, but even so all students enjoy some free time during school time during which they have the opportunity to engage in enrichment activities. As the senior students in the school, the Sixth Form also have their own Informal Learning Area where they can meet and socialise at break-times, as well as study during lesson time.
There is a wide choice of Games options and generally we are amenable to other suggested sporting activities, subject to the approval of parents and PE staff. Similarly there are a wide variety of non-sporting extra-curricular activities that can be undertaken. As well as School plays and music productions, Sixth Form students have also been involved in mentoring children at local primary schools and to our own students lower down the school. In addition, prefect duties are undertaken throughout the school and prefects themselves are in many ways seen as “quasi members of staff”. Perhaps the biggest privilege enjoyed by Sixth Form students is that relationships with staff tend to be much less formal both in and out of lessons and that students have the opportunity to get to know staff on a much more personal basis.