Walking to Success!

Congratulations to Year 7 who as a community have raised nearly £1,950 through the Annual Sponsored Walk. They have decided through School Council to donate the money to The British Heart Foundation. This is a wonderful achievement. Mr Bansal and Dr Bird led an assembly to highlight the students achievements and to show how their money will go to help people (young and old alike) who suffer from heart disease and associated issues. Prizes were awarded to those students who raised the most money as follows:

Overall: Jack Gallagher in 7A

7A: Emils Jakubonis

7G: Francis Reed

7H: Yaseen Usman

7N: Olivier Martin-Panther

7W: Zakariyya Yaser

The boys named above between them raised some £762 – an amazing achievement.

Year 7 have made an excellent start to their careers at HGS and truly are a Force for Good. They are testament to the positive mindset and philosophy of Working Hard, Having Fun and Being Kind.

Well done to all of Year 7.