Year 7 Rewards Experience – Virtual Reality session

I was recently given the opportunity to take part in an interactive virtual reality session, where I, and some of my other classmates were able to use a Virtual Reality headset and controllers to participate in a competitive reaction game. We were also able to play Fifa 18 and Rocket League on Xbox one consoles.

The team of IT Specialists from OMG Gaming separated us into two groups, purple and yellow, for a bit of a friendly competition. The instructors kept a tally of the points we scored whilst playing a game of Fifa or Rocket League. Points were also earned from the VR game we played. At the end of the session, the instructors counted up the points for both teams and came to the conclusion that the Purple team had won.

When we were playing the games the atmosphere in the room was tense, however we thoroughly enjoyed the fully immersive, mind-blowing multiplayer VR experience. It was as if we were in a world of our own. It was lots of fun as many of us had never played on this system before and enjoyed the experience with friends in teams. We learnt that the gaming world has its own ‘language’ that they use and we used the cutting edge HTC-VIVE VR Systems. For most of us the VR experience was something new and exciting. The team also introduced the latest console games for us to play on Xbox One. It was both a competitive and co-operative experience. We had a great time and I would love to have more opportunities like this again.

Being a part of this session has motivated me to carry on working to my best ability at all times in the next academic year and achieving the most achievement points so that I can enjoy more exciting and fun activities like this VR experience.

Husnain Mahmood 7Nelson