Biology Field Studies

The year 12 Biology visit to Cannon Hill Park was an eventful day in which we carried out several activities to assess the diversity of certain areas in the park. To begin with, we walked to woodland where we sampled the different plant species along a 30 metre strip.  We also measured other factors such as humidity and light intensity which affect the number of plants throughout our sample.  Upon finishing our sampling in the woodland we moved onto a section of the River Rae which flows through the park. There we collected samples from the water at different spots and identified the animals we found as indicators of pollution. The species present suggested the water was fairly clean.  We also measured rates of water flow, oxygen concentration and other elements that would have an impact on the number of animals in the water.  It was very interesting to see the different types of plants and animals and was a welcome change from the classroom.  The weather was very hot indeed and we all had a valuable experience that will benefit our A2 studies.

Rohan Langi

Footnote from Mr Arnold:  Over 70 Year 12 students took part in the Biology A Level Field Study visits during the week, over four days.  A special thank you to Mr Ahmed, Miss Hurley, Dr Wallach and Miss Pell for their hard work during the week.  We were, indeed, blessed with the weather.