Table Tennis Success

Hasan Nawaz played for Aston Villa’s table tennis as part of the Premier League 4 Sport initiative. Along with three other members of the squad they played teams representing Derby County, Nottingham Forest, West Bromwich Albion and Stoke City. They won the competition by winning two matches and drawing two. It was a fantastic competition played to a high level and Hasan contributed fully to the success.


Word of the Week – Adjudication

The word of the week commencing 7th April 2014 is: Adjudication.

This means the action or process of adjudicating.

“the matter may have to go to court for adjudication”


This display can be found in our Library.

Instrumental Progress Evening

On the evening of 3rd April students and parents gathered for the annual Instrumental Progress Evening in the main hall. This concert is aimed at the students in years 7 through to 9 and gives the beginners their first opportunity to perform at HGS. There were almost 60 performers and over 100 people in the audience. All the students gave of their best and delivered a high quality one-hour programme which included piano solos, guitar and keyboard ensembles as well as a range of different woodwind ensembles. A big thank you to all the students who performed, their families for attending and for the music teachers who prepared the boys for the concert.

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Click here to view the photo gallery.

‘Big Bang’ Science Fair

On Thursday 16 March 2014, 30 Year 8 and 9 students ventured to this event, held in Birmingham’s National Exhibition Centre. Jack Lill (Year 9) writes:

‘The Big Bang Science Fair was a great experience with many opportunities for an insight into the Science industry. It was a fantastic eye-opener to the World of Science and how helpful it is to our modern planet. The various experiments and activities were very engaging. The fair offered lots of useful information in a fun and entertaining way. Overall, it was a brilliant day!’

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Word of the Week – Vendetta

The word of the week commencing 31st March 2014 is: Vendetta.

This means a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.

“he has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him”


This display can be found in our Library.

Spring Term Newsletter

The Spring term newsletter will be distributed over the next week but it can also be found in our publications area under newsletters.

Basketball Success

The recently reformed Basketball team at HGS are into the Key Stage 3 semi-finals of the North Birmingham Basketball League. The team recently beat Holyhead School 25-10. Good luck!

Warwickshire Indoor Cricket Finals

Both our Year 7 and Year 8 Indoor Cricket teams are in the Finals of the Warwickshire Indoor Cricket tournament which will be held at the Edgbaston Indoor Cricket School at Warwickshire County Cricket ground. Good luck!

Aston Schools Football League Champions

The Year 7 Football team are the newly crowned Aston Schools Football League Champions in their age group. This is a great achievement and a fitting way to end the term. Well done!

Word of the Week – Obsolete

The word of the week commencing 24th March 2014 is: Obsolete.

This means no longer produced or used; out of date.

“the disposal of old and obsolete machinery”



This display can be found in our Library.