English CRP

Year 10 Summer Task


We understand that there are many of you who are worried about your education and are particularly concerned about the GCSE examination you will be taking in the summer of 2021. As a result of this, we have taken the decision to curtail the number of internal exams you would normally take in September 2020 focusing on one question only: ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry.

We do, of course, understand that many of you will be worried that you will only be assessed in one area. However, the decision to do this will allow us to:

  • to quickly mark and assess work
  • to work on weaker areas
  • allow us to have the key information needed in preparation for English language as many of the skills taught for ‘Conflict Poetry’ are transferable to English Language
  • design a package of interventions supporting those requiring extra help

To prepare for their GCSEs and upcoming internal exam, you are expected to complete the following tasks:

  • Consolidation Tasks: In order to have a full understanding of the poems you are studying, you need to have a full awareness of the poems. If you have not studied all the poems you must – a) logon to the following website and add to the annotations of your poems https://www.massolit.io/courses/power-and-conflict-aqa-poetry-anthology. You need your school login username and password in order to access the site. b) Use the ‘Poetry Support Booklet’ to ensure you have a full understanding of each poem’s language, form and structure.
  • Preparation Tasks: Once you have a full understanding of the poems, you must – a) work through the PPT and attached exemplar from the Support Clinic. B) Watch through the video that explores the requirements for a grade 9 response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rClIkf8SPKA. C) Use the ‘Power and Conflict Question Booklet’ to answer exam questions.

We expect you to complete the tasks above. If you are unsure of what to do, please email your teacher.

Please click here to download the support material.

All the best,

English Department

Year 12 Summer Task

Dear Year 12

Here is a list of what you need to have done before you return to school in September. You will be sitting a one hour exam for both of your English teachers so you need to prepare thoroughly over the summer months.

Poetry Anthology

  • Complete your notes on all the poems in the Anthology. You may find this useful:
  • Study the guide on Unseen Poems (SEE SMH) –
  • In the September exam you will be expected to compare two poems – one from the anthology and one unseen.

Prose: Dorian Gray

  • You will be answering a question on The Supernatural in Dorian Gray
  • Make sure all your notes on the chapters are complete – the questions on SMH have covered all the key ideas but we will revise key points in the first week back.
  • Read the exemplar question, mark scheme, examiner report and full mark exemplar essay on Dorian Gray.
  • Write a detailed plan for the two questions in the Prose Booklet. There is an essay plan in the booklet if you get stuck! Don’t forget to include contextual points.
  • Read Dracula in preparation for the Autumn Term
  • To get ahead I suggest you watch/make notes on the following lectures on Massolit. https://www.massolit.io/courses/stoker-dracula-c4f65f20-a81f-4543-a6f8-20fec671fd2f



  • Read. Read – so that you can choose your coursework text
  • Decide on your coursework texts and a title.
  • There are exemplars of coursework and marks on SMH

Don’t panic!

Most of this work should already have been done so it shouldn’t be too much of a shock! You need to revise the poetry and prose text in preparation for the exam. You also need to have read Dracula before we begin to study it next term. Some of you have already made a decision about your coursework you just need to have an outline of a question. If you look at the Prose questions on the exam paper you should get some ideas for what types of things you could compare/focus on.

Please click here to download the support material.

Work hard and enjoy your Summer Holidays!!!

Ms Brown and Ms Gerrard