Year 10 Biology ‘Big Quiz’
The Biology ‘Big quiz 2021’, organised by the University of Birmingham, was held on Tuesday 18th May. This was the first year that we participated in the quiz. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to visit the University of Birmingham for the quiz; however, it was interesting taking part in the quiz using Zoom and Kahoot! Each round focused on a different area of the Biology curriculum, from ‘Biological molecules’ to ‘Micro-organisms’. There was also a keynote lecture about limnology (which is the study of inland water) and a specialist round about ‘Biology in the News’. This was a really interesting round as it allowed us to reflect on the pandemic. The quiz was yet another way to extend and challenge our brightest Year 10 Biologists. It challenged us to work together against 36 other teams from a range of schools. The HGS participants were:
Yousuf Burhani, Manav Talwar, Mohammed Yasin, Thevayan Navaratnam, Abdulrehman Shaker, Dylan Guiney-Bailey, Divyansh Salgotra, Luqman Ramzan, Ateeb Ilyas, Aqib Hussain and Balkaran Khalon.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable and insightful experience. Personally, my favourite part of the event was an interview with a university student. I thought it was great that we were able to listen to a first-hand account of what it is like to study at university, and it gave us a ‘heads-up’ on what to expect. Overall, I enjoyed the challenge and we are grateful to the University of Birmingham for providing us with this opportunity.
Yousuf Burhani