b'Roma, Italia! ITALY It was buzzing withTRIPexcitement. We checked into the hotel and made our way on foot to the Colosseumluckily there were no more lions to be thrown to! Nothing funny happened on the way to the Forum either! A bellisimo first day in Rome!The Island of Capri the only day that it rainedbut it was still great! We arrived by boat, explored the beautiful island and to cap it off we went to the beach to go swimming. perfetto!More scorchio weather! Having packed we made our way to Pompeiithe site of the famous volcanic eruption In the scorchio sunshine we walked of AD 79and Herculaneum, to the Trevi Fountain, where lots of us a literal step back in time! used all of our euros making wishes We explored the ruins, saw and ate gelato! Yum! We continued what a Roman High Street to the Spanish Stepswhat were would have looked like and read some of the interesting they doing in Italy!?before heading to the Pantheon and ancient graffiti!Vatican Citythe worlds smallest country at just 0.2 square miles! Swiss Guard and Spanish Stepswhere am I!?!Arrivederci Roma! Buongiorno Pompeii!Vesuviuswhat a view! We were so high we were up in the clouds; we were really glad we had our coats! After a final trip it was time to say Arrivederci Italia!23'