b'ENRICHMENT WESTON-SUPER-MARE YR7Our school Enrichment Days have again been an exciting andand have endless opportunities to develop themselves and to enjoyable break in routine for both pupils and staff. 2021/22 hasexperience new things. School is not just about sitting in the seen a full programme of Enrichment Days take place followingclassroom and learning; education happens in all sorts of places the Covid pandemic. and in all sorts of venues. We are very proud of our Enrichment Our Enrichment Days have provided opportunities for our pupilsDays which all of our pupils and staff enjoy and look forward to.and students to experience a wide range of cultural and sportingThe following programmes give an indication of just some of the activities, to take part in trips and visits, watch live theatre,fantastic activities which our pupils have experienced this year.Years 7 to 11Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 House Debate Enterprise DayLoudmouth Theatre House Sports Day Bright Futures Puzzle CompanyForensic Day play and workshops Loudmouth Theatre play and Loudmouth Creativity DayLoudmouth Theatreteenage relationships,workshopssexual health, consent,Theatre playWeston-super- play and workshopsabuse/domesticcontraception, STI, unplannedand workshops Marechild exploitation,abuse, consent,pregnancy, delay and pornography House SportsHouse Sportscounty lines,power and control inBright FuturesPolice Day grooming, modernrelationships Drugs Workshop WorkshopWhole School slavery and trafficking Police workshops Mental Health Workshop CareersSports Day House Sport Sexual Health DayPolice WorkshopRelationshipsCareers Whole School House Sport Gambling Workshop Personal healthSports DayDrayton Manor Careerslessons andCareers Whole SchoolWhole School our place in theDovedale trip Sports Day Sports Dayworld House debate Careers Health & Wellbeing workshopsENIRCHMENT DAY - 8AALVYN BASKARAN 8H -INDIVIDUAL WINNER24'