b'2021MRS VAUGHAN What will you miss most about HGS? Most memorable moment? Without doubt what I will miss most willA pupil I have worked closely with for be the people: the peripatetic music team,several years telling me he was very happy colleagues I know through my SENCo role,at school.school staff and pupils I have worked with. I will NOT miss getting up at 5.30am and Funniest moment in teaching? driving on the M6 and A38(M)!In my first teaching post in Hull I was onceWhat changes have you seen over the told off by a lunchtime supervisor fortime you have worked here?queue jumping. (I am somewhat vertically challenged!)In March 2013 I was interviewed at HGS for Favourite musician? a one-day-a-week post in music! That soon Life after HGS? morphed into five days teaching a varietyI am leaving to take up an exciting new postGustav Mahlerhis orchestration is of subjects. Over the last eight years I havein Learning Development at Solihull School.phenomenal.taught mainly Art, Music, Geography andAfter 36 years it will be very strange not to Opening Minds, but also History and English.have responsibility for whole-class teaching Artist? In my first year I changed classroom virtuallybut I know I am going to enjoy working with every lesson but more recently I have hadPicassohe had so many different ideas my own room in the Art Department whichyoung people on a more individual level.and styles.has been wonderful. I will be continuing to develop my own painting, and playing my oboe in the Solihull Geographical feature?Sum up HGS in three words:Symphony Orchestra.Volcanoes and plate tectonicsthey are just Archipelago, chiaroscuro,SO exciting (!)hemidemisemiquavers.54'