b'DUKE OF EDINBURGH BRONZE EXPEDITIOND of E was a thrilling experience and I really enjoyedWhen we got to the camp after a gruelling walk, we set it! It was very exciting using the maps to find ourup our tents and finally got some rest. Afterwards we way through the checkpoints and finding our way towere given cooking gel so that we could cook very easily the camp. Although it was tiring, the people at theand eat a well-earned meal. We were given a lot of time checkpoints were very helpful; fixing our bags, makingto complete the course and the instructors werent very sure we knew where we were going and just having apleased with the slower groups. I felt like we needed a bit friendly chat with us. The training sessions were greatmore help in how to put our tents up and I didnt enjoy and taught us all the basics. Our group instructor waswaiting for other groups to finish but overall I enjoyed the Gary and he was an amazing instructor; sometimes itexperience. It was a shame the weather was so poor as took us a while to understand, but he was very patient.our sleeping bags got quite wet!He deserves a raise!Abdullah Jamil 9AMY SILVER DofE EXPERIENCE The expedition is one of four parts of the Duke ofThe practice expedition also gave us a glimpse of what Edinburgh Silver award and involves camping for twotheme we might use for our presentation at the end of nights and walking for three days. the expedition: whether it be litter picking whilst on the walk, observing and keeping up teammates morale The expedition started in typical British fashion withthroughout the expedition, or embracing the nature groups meeting in a wet car park at Rugeley railwayaround you and the ecosystems within it.station with the rain pouring down. We left the car park with excitement as we embarked on a three-day trekOverall, the expedition was a positive experience giving across Cannock Chase. teenagers like us, from a city setting, a challenge away from modern technology and allowing us to feel more On the expedition, we learnt many new and differentconnected to nature as well as learning new skills and skills such as setting a map and using a compass forbecoming happier and healthier.navigation, which became very useful in the woods in Cannock Chase whilst walking along trails. We alsoMalachy Hayeslearned how to set up camp which included learning how to set up a tent and cooking dinner on a portable stove.27'