b'DR DOWD What will you miss mostMost memorable moment and about HGS? funniest moment? What I will miss most about KEVIHGSMy most memorable moment in teaching is the genuine enthusiasm of the vastcame quite early in my career, at a very majority of the students towards bothdifferent school and in the days before their studies and breaktime football. Grovethe idea of urban regeneration. I was on Lane traffic at 3.30 is what I will remembera humanities/geography trip with a small but not miss too much! number of Year 8 boys and another staff member, surveying the local environment.What changes have there been over It was late June and a very hot Fridaythe time you have worked here? afternoon when, one after the other, all During the eight years Ive worked here,seven students took off their coats, their Ive seen a number of significant changes.jackets and their shirts, before diving into The most noticeable of these are the staffthe dirtiest canal Ive ever seen, swimming getting noticeably younger (well somearound among a range of discarded of them anyway) and, the biggest onehousehold objects and completely affecting me, the opening of the Sixthignoring our pleas for them to stop!Form Centrea fantastic facility for KeySchool discipline, eh!Stage 5 students. Life after HGS?Finally, good luck to youSum up HGS in three words:After July and in my retirement I hope toallI will miss you!The three words that I think best sum upknock even more golf balls out of bounds KEVIHGS are: positivity, politeness andand to avoid as many canals as possible!purpose.MS DRAGE What will you miss most about HGS? I will miss so many people that I have become good friends with among the staff here. So many of the students have been such fun to work withthe Further Maths classes and the Board Games Clubbers pre-pandemic. The early finish time!Most memorable moment? Life after HGS?What changes have you seen over the Teaching a student sarcasm. I now claimFrom September I will be the Founding Headtime you have worked here?that I teach a course in Advanced Sarcasmof Mathematics at Christ Church Secondary In my first year here I was moving all overwith side options of Maths. Academy in Yardley Wood. I am really the school, getting lost trying to find all thelooking forward to the new challenges and Maths classrooms and teaching, to nobodys Funniest moment in teaching?being able to shape the maths department joy, History! Now I have my big beautifulPlaying a time-bonus DrFrost Live! gamefrom the ground up.classroom of Room 27 decorated withwith the sixth formers: they had to calculate detention-made posters and have been ablesides/angles using trigonometry then put Favourite equation and why? to only teach Maths and Further Maths for athe answer into their phones. The amazingIm a big fan of the SUVAT equations and solid seven years! Geeky bliss. clatter of calculators as everyone got thereally all things in the mechanics A level. Sum up HGS in three words:answer, dropped their calculators and grabbed their phones had me in absolute Friendly, manic, diverse. stitches!55'