Design & Technology CRP

Year 10 GCSE Covid-19 Recovery Plan
Your exam in September will be 60 minutes long. The exam will have 50 marks, the breakdown for the marks is shown below:
Section A – Core technical principles (10 marks)
A mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions assessing a breadth of technical knowledge and understanding.
Section B – Specialist technical principles (15 marks)
Several short answer questions (2–5 marks) and one extended response to assess a more in-depth knowledge of technical principles.
Section C – Designing and making principles (25 marks)
A mixture of short answer and extended response questions.
Revision topics:
The following topics may be covered in the September exam:
- Polymers
- Timbers
- Paper and boards
- Textiles
- Design movements
- Product analysis
- Key terminology
Math in DT – Within the exam there will be some questions where you will need to demonstrate your understanding of applying maths in DT. You may need to use a calculator in the exam.
Science in DT – You will have covered topics in science that will link to topics covered in DT – You should be able to apply this knowledge when answering questions in the exam.
Further information on links to maths and science in DT can be found here:
Revision Resources:
- BBC Bitesize:
- Focus eLearning software has been added to Moodle, to access follow the directions below:
- Moodle > DT > Software > Focus eLearning
- Technology student: (website version) (links to files suitable for viewing on a mobile, can be downloaded for offline use)
Year 12 A Level Product Design Covid-19 Recovery Plan
Your exam in September will be 60 minutes long. The exam will have 45 marks and will cover the following areas:
Technical principles – Mixture of short answer and extended response.
Product Analysis – short answer questions based on visual stimulus of product(s).
Commercial manufacture – Mixture of short and extended response questions
Revision topics:
The following topics may be covered in the September exam:
- Polymers
- Metals
- Health and safety
- Material testing
- Design movements
- Product analysis
- Key terminology
Revision Resources:
- Electronic version of the A level textbook – allows access to a lot of the pages in the book.
- Focus eLearning software has been added to Moodle, to access follow the directions below:
- Moodle > DT > Software > Focus eLearning
Following resources are aimed at GCSE students but it is useful to refresh knowledge as A-level content builds on this information. If your GCSE knowledge is not secure it is harder to access the higher marks in the exam questions.
- BBC Bitesize:
- Technology student: (website version) (links to files suitable for viewing on a mobile, can be downloaded for offline use)