Religious Studies CRP

Year 10 Information for the September Assessments
Year 10 will sit one 50 minute examination where they will answer 2 questions from the 4 themes. We will not be telling which 2 will be on the exam paper so you need to be ready to answer all of the questions. Those who have been in school this term should have collected a revision booklet which has all of the information needed. Attached is an electronic copy of this booklet.
The 4 themes which will be tested are:
- Religion, Peace and Conflict
- Religion Crime and Punishment
- Religion Human Rights and Social Justice
- Religion and Life.
Please also note that all the notes are in the chapters in the textbook on Kerboodle. Two religious views are needed so Christianity and a 2nd religion must be learned.
Please click here to download the Year 10 Revision Material
Year 12 Information for the September Assessments
Year 12 will sit one exam that is 1 hour in length, plus the completion of an essay. There are twelve potential topic areas that will be tested:
- The Person of Jesus
- Life After Death
- Augustine (still to do)
- Christian Moral Principles
- Business Ethics
- Natural Moral Law
- Kant
- Utilitarianism
- Religious Experience
- Ontological
- Body, Soul and Reality
- Plato and Aristotle.
All topics will need to be learned.
All revision material is on Teams. The Year 12 Channel has revision lessons recorded to play via Stream. Please check Teams for these. Attached is the electronic version of the revision grids that organise knowledge from the textbooks.