Science CRP
On the following pages and links you will find content tables for the delayed Year 10 and Year 12 Science ‘finals’ examinations together with resources which will help you to prepare for them. These resources include past and sample examination papers, websites and videos, and (for Year 12) the resources used during the Academic Support Clinics. You also have your bespoke course textbooks and, for some, the CGP Workbooks. As always, feel free to contact your teacher(s) for help as you revise and consolidate your work.
Science Year 10
Click here to view the exam topics for Year 10.
Click here to download the Year 10 Sample Papers.
Resources for GCSE Biology
Topic-by-topic questions on KEVIHGS Moodle
Past and specimen papers on the AQA website
Past and specimen papers on Moodle
Freesciencelessons: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos.
CrashCourse: Professional content. Variety of topics ranging for GCSE level to A-level
Mr Exham Biology: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos
Vanessa Christian: A biology teacher. Classroom-based. GCSE and A-level topics
Teacher’s Pet: Professional content. Variety of topics aimed mainly at A-level.
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell: Professional content. More for KS3-4 students.
Click here to download some additional Biology Resources for Year 10
Resources for GCSE Chemistry
Click here to download the resource material.
Resources for GCSE Physics
Home Learning Resources on kerboodle
Topic-by-topic questions on KEVIHGS Moodle
Past and specimen papers on the AQA website
YouTube ‘Free Science lessons’ revision videos
Required practical demonstrations
My GCSE Science – revision videos and questions
Past paper questions, flashcards and notes broken down by topic
Science Year 12
Click here to view the exam topics for Year 12.
Click here to download the Year 12 Sample Papers.
Resources for A Level Biology
Topic-by-topic questions on KEVIHGS Moodle.
Past and specimen papers on the AQA website
Past and specimen papers on Moodle
SnapRevise videos: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos
Freesciencelessons: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos
Bozeman Science: Teachers the American AP biology, broad subject content
CrashCourse: Professional content. Variety of topics ranging for GCSE level to A-level
Mr Pollock: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos
Mr Exham Biology: AQA specific content. Excellent revision videos
Vanessa Christian: A biology teacher. Classroom-based. GCSE and A-level topics
Teacher’s Pet: Professional content. Variety of topics aimed mainly at A-level
Peekaboo Kidz: Professional content. More for KS2-3 students.
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell: Professional content. More for KS3-4 students
Ninja Nerd Science: Often goes beyond A-level (good for teacher knowledge recap)
Click here to download some additional Biology Resources for Year 12
Resources for A level Chemistry
Resources for A level Physics
Topic-by-topic questions on KEVIHGS Moodle
Past and specimen papers on the AQA website
A-level Required Practical demonstrations
Past paper questions, flashcards and notes broken down by topic
More challenging questions for those preparing for university interviews in Physics or Engineering
Support Clinic Resources
Click here to download the resource material for Biology.