b'Message toTHE NATIONI abdicate!I am already Leadership behaviour continues to be very much inMr Duck a King! the spotlight around the world. American educatorle,Mr Kingf The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peop I want to ask you to think about what you can do to S phen Covey, stated: Mprinciples like hon my,c help peo l ple in this country. I want you to think about and author o oral authority comes frofollowing universal and timeless respect. These a estte i what you can do to keep our country clean, safe and integrity treating people withders and encoura re thea lovely pace to live. I want you to think about the ributes that we model as lea e sameclearl ge hereo ontribution which you can make to our country, to yo eople in our care to do th whatever youry t e and att ung p mprove every aspect of it.are always lessons to be learnedays! Stay safe rol d well.Can you help people instead of ignoring them? Can status. Be a Force for Goodalwan f y r u volunteer to work or contribute, without asking Be kind to yourself and others. Dr Bird b o ladditional payment, but simply for the joy of Britain, a message from your new Queen here.p vountee i ring? Can you help to pick lup litter w l hich has i uldnt it be good if we could all pe l een dropped, so that we have a cean and peasant i e kind to each other pace to lve? Can you make every effort to be kind to Hi Wo elebrate the things we have in common ratherto v eople and to go out o i f your way ito see the good in i .B We ople, rather than findng fault wth them?.n the things that set us apart c wo tihave a won l derful country here with so many C a e who need it the most w on nderful peope and beautiful places to live in, and th lthos g he isit. Letl us make every effort to ensure that we iii. ep trengthen our communities and nue toive in a friendly and welcoming country iv. H rk to s e gender pay gap.o re being a good citizen is normal, and where we all v.Get rid of th o ut of our way to help our fellow citizens.WoMrs Harvey Mr ConwayA NIGHT TO REMEMBERSome moments in modern worldSo this is how we found ourselves history are said to be so significant thattravelling by train to London on the night those who were around at the timeof Saturday, 17 September in order can remember where they were whento join a seven-mile procession from news of the event emerged. The deathSouthwark Park in Bermondsey to the of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on 8Houses of Parliament in Westminster September 2022 will remain for manythrough the midnight streets of London. one such moment. The breaking newsImages that remain fixed in the memory came through to me on the car radio asinclude the broad spectrum of ages I was driving into Birmingham city centreand nationalities of those attending, the with my wife and sons to celebrate mycamaraderie between strangers as they 33rd wedding anniversary, an occasionshared their reasons for undertaking the that was soon to be dominated by thejourney,Londoners offering cups of tea question: Would we travel to London towhere the Lying in State queue passedwhere the tiniest shuffles of feet and the observe the Lying in State? The Lyingclose to their homes, dawn breakingechoing taps of Beefeaters wooden in State is the period of time followingover St Pauls Cathedral, and the early- staffs were the only sounds reflected by the death of the monarch during whichmorning welcome given by membersthose ancient walls. We had joined the members of the public are invited toof staff at the British Film Institute nearline at its beginning in Southwark Park show their respect as they file past theWaterloo Bridge, which had openedat 11pm the night before, and now, just royal coffin in Westminster Hall in theits doors and the use of its facilities tobefore 1pm, fourteen hours later, we Houses of Parliament. Arrangements forthose queueing outside. stood before the Queens coffin for a the Queens funeral were soon releasedMost memorable of all of course wasmoment of silent prayer.during the days that followed, includingthe scene that greeted everyone as theyMr Organ details of the route the queue for theentered Westminster Hall, a silent space Lying in State would take.11'