b'REMEMBRANCERemembrance OF THINGS PASTThe annual Remembrance Assembly was held in Bigand tolerance towards each other, being kind and School on 11 November. Year 7 attended in personcompassionate and celebrating our differences are whilst the remainder of school had an extended formall highly significant steps on the road to peace. He time in which the assembly was live-streamed viaemphasised the need for the values of peace, freedom Teams and we all observed a two-minute silence at theand hope in all we do as well as focusing upon the same time. themes of unity and compassion.We welcomed a number of guests to HGS whoOur guest speaker was Major Brown who spoke about represented the Bridge Trust Society, the charity calledhis varied and full career in the army as well as what Handsworth Grammar School and the Military. Theremembrance means to him on both a professional and Reverend Dr Bob Stephen, the chair of the governinga personal level. It was very moving to hear about his body, led the act of remembrance. The Headmasterexperiences which have taken him around the world delivered a very timely and thought-provokingin a variety of roles. He reflected on the loss of life, the introduction which reminded us of the necessity toultimate sacrifice that people make in times of conflict work towards peace in all we do. He highlightedand the hope for peace and reconciliation through acts that important facets of life such as showing respectof remembrance and humanitarian aid.14'