b'2023ONE MR CAMPBELLtheres only one Mr CampbellThere is now! No more confusion about which Mr Campbell anyone is looking forMr Campbell is saying goodbye to HGS after 32 years in the PE department and 24 yearsas a Head of Year. The Bridge caught up with him before the big retirement day. How has HGS changed over the last 32 years? Funniest sportingBack in 1991 there were only a few female teachers and no girls moment? in the sixth form; there was no Science Block, no Sports Hall, noToo many to mention, from Computer Rooms So a lot of changes! All the pupils playedpoor catching to wayward football in the quad each break and lunchtime. Lunch lasted anfootball shots and those hour and everyone was on lunch at the same time and the footballscross-country runs which would be flying everywhere; you took your life in your hands makingmost pupils hate.the walk from the main school buildings to the canteen! The School Hall was big enough to hold whole school assemblies because we Best sporting victory? had fewer children in school then: each year group had 120 pupilsWinning the West and there were only four forms in each year not five. The CanteenMidlands U19 Cup Finalnow it has been upgraded to a Dining Hall!was like an armedwhen we played Archbishop Grimshaw in forces mess, not the posh one we have nowand the food now is2003 with a certain Mr Conway as their manager!much better. The staff room was located in Dr Tepes room; it was much smaller than the current one but more staff used it. Emails!! Retirement plans? Technology has changed dramaticallypeople send emailsHelping the family but also continuing to coach football. Ill be looking instead of talking to each other in person or they use social mediaout for the next budding Corey Blackett Taylorhe plays for Charlton to communicate which is a pity. There were of course no OfstedAthletic FC and is an ex-pupil of HGS. Maybe take in a few auctionsinspections back in 1991. I suppose the changes in the schoolI have a passion for antiques.reflect the changes in the world over the last thirty or so years, sort of a microcosm of the wider world.Motto for life?Who/what will I miss most?Always look forward, dont dwell on the past.I will miss the staff-room banterI know a member of staff who Advice for HGS students? hates that word! I will miss teaching PE and Games and trying to get modern-day pupils to do some exercise! There are a few thingsEnjoy your time at HGS: it will pass quickly and you will miss it once Ill miss and a few things I wont! youve left.Faster lads! place, where the echoes of Mr PEmore and more. Whilst the echoes of those Campbells screams of Faster lads!cold winter mornings haunt me, the real Imagine. Autumn mornings. Cold, darkwill never be forgotten. Yellow vests and(behind the scenes) Mr PE Campbell is a and miserable. Mr PE Campbells voicestarched white shorts: you might haveman of true uplifting spirit, humour and one calling out over the fog. Keep going lads.got that bit of the kit right, but if youdto always make sure that everyone around Run faster! in a strong Brummie accent. Iforgotten your white socks a wonderfulis okay. From honest talks on the bus used to try, but unfortunately cross-countryarray of clothing was available to hire. Beepdown to the playing fields to teaching me running or any form of physical educationtest. Again. Again and again. Watchingthe ropes of investing, Mr PE Campbell didnt complement my lifestyle. I used tothose uber-competitive sportsmen rally onhas grown to be one of the staff members run through the rain, hating every momentto Stage 13. Yet amongst all the chaos,that I look towards as a role model (jokes of it. I used to waddle past Mr PEthe same old Mr PE Campbell always setaside!). He is a member of staff who takes Campbell clutching his umbrella whilst I feltthose high expectations. every day as it comes and has never failed every raindrop drip down my face. Even onIll be honest. PE wasnt my favouriteto give good, honest and sound advice. the off-chance that he would agree to ussubject and, naturally, whilst I liked myWhilst I will miss being his personal tech playing Rugby, whilst I would be coveredHistory, Geography and Religious Studiessupport on a Thursday morning, Mr PE in mud and soaked through, Mr PEteachersand Mrs Minhasthe PECampbell will always be a reminder that Campbell would be bone dry and alwaysstaff never really ranked high on my list. Iwhilst you think your teachers are harsh, pushing for more. felt nervous taking up my position in themiserable and mean, behind that is a true school. What if Mr PE Campbell told meindividual who wants the best for everyone Youd think the summer months wouldto stop and give him twenty? Whilst I couldhe manages to teach and work alongside.be better. Warm and airy. However,do that now, still. Weird. Mr PE Campbell will go down in the unbeknownst to most of you, the learningDuring my time as a staff member, I haveschools history, both as a former teacher hub was once a cold 1970s gym. I use thegrown to like Mr PE Campbell more,but more so as a friend. word gym looselya dark unwelcomingMr Thaper52'