b'NOW BOARDING FOR HGS.Name:MR DARCYI attended school in Worcester before moving to Cardiff to complete my undergraduate degree, after which I moved back to Worcester to complete my teacher training. I have always played GATE: Twitter name:sports and love watching it too, especially Watford FC! In my free FLIGHT: 161 @maninwantofawifetime I enjoy going to concerts and taking my three dogs out on GATE: 1862 long walks. In the holidays I love to travel: I have been lucky FLIGHT: 161 enough to explore the world and visit some amazing cities, 1862 countries and cultures. I love meeting new people and trying new foods from all over the world.01FLIGHT: GATE: FLIGHT: P. SKI-BIN-SKI 1862 161 1862 GATE: Name:161Twitter name: 01 Ski-BIN-SkiFLIGHT: GATE: FLIGHT: GATE: MRS ALI1862 161 1862 Name:I often say the best way to remember161my last name is by placing a bin between two skis.I used to teach at Handsworth Wood Girls Academy, where I@no1Business Woman03 Twitter name: taught Art and DT. Ive got a degree in fine art (painting) but dont ask me for a portrait; nowadays I mostly scribble smiley faces on student report cards. Ive also got a Masters degree inI have been teaching DesignNew Applications and Innovation. I reallyfor over fifteen years and have like metalwork, woodwork and restoring old furniturethereally enjoyed my first year at HGS. In my more run down the better! Im always on the look-out for a fixer-upper. spare time, I love travelling. I have been very Im a proud owner of a ginger rescue cat called Thomas Cattersonfortunate to have travelled to many countries the 1st. Hes a nice cat most days, but sometimes at 3am hefrom Iceland to Thailand. changes into a stinky ginger gremlin, with a passion for knocking things on to the floor, and waking me up with the so-calledI enjoy making time for myself and staying zoomies. active. I have trained in Thai boxing and My current aim is to turn my classroom (D6) into a tropical jungle,enjoy weight training. so if you see me snipping plants, its for vegetative propagationMy motto in life is: Just one small positive purposes. See you around the DT block! thought in the morning can change your P. Ski-BIN-Skiwhole day.50'