b'PLANsmile AFTERBEFOREMake meLeaving a legacy means leavinglives. 50% of mental health problemsOur most significant project, which will something behind that has lasting value.are established by the age of 14. Youngleave our legacy, is the building of a It is something that we create during ourpeople are the most vulnerable to themental health garden that will also be lifetime that will continue to exist longeffects of pressure from school or socialused as a space for science practicals. after we are gone. Project Smile Again ismedia, so creating an environmentThe garden will be a space for students the legacy we want to leave at HGS. where they can relax but also flourish isto enjoy, surrounded by plants and the main aim of our project. flowers, hopefully creating a space for Smile Again aims to destigmatisepositive mindfulness. Our environment mental health within school, a topicWith the help of the Mental Healthand surroundings have a significant surrounded by stigma and not discussedAmbassadors, we run a lunchtimeimpact on our day-to-day lives and our enough among young boys in particular.games club for Year 7 to 9; if yououtlook on life. The garden will also have Everyone has mental health, and wedont wish to play, it can just be abenches so there will be a space for want to help everyone understand thatsafe space to relax. Events suchstudents to take time out if they need to.it is a topic that can be approachedas an upcoming Culture Day in the with confidence; there is no need to besummer and workshops with Year 10It is crucial that mental health is ashamed of seeking help or needing toon an Enrichment day are just somediscussed, and building the mental talk to someone. of the initiatives we have to involvehealth garden will be the beginning of the students. We want to create anour legacy. We hope that others may Project Smile Again takes a practicalenvironment where the school is not justcarry it on.approach to the topic, organisinga place to learn but we also want it to be events, workshops, and clubs wherea nurturing environment that supportsProject Smile Againstudents can go and relax away fromstudents through activities that appeal to the pressures of school or their personalthem personally.49'