b'Computing Success.COMPUTER WHIZZ!Congratulations to Krishan Patel in Year 13 for winning a Raspberry Pi 4 computing system through the Isaac Computing Rewards Programme, which seeks to recognise and reward the engagement of A-level students in England as they progress through their studies. Krishan answered fifty challenging questions correctly relating to computational thinking and the wider aspects of technology.For those who havent heard about the Raspberry Pi desktop before, its a credit-card-sized computer that does just about everything your trusty laptop or personal computer can do. The winners prize included the Pi mini-computer version 4, mouse, keyboard, power supply, SD card with operating system and a student guidebook.Krishan kindly bestowed the Raspberry Pi kit to the Computer Science department where its vast ecosystem of projects will provide great support and inspiration for screen-based and physical computing initiatives such as website construction, networking with other Pi computers and creative projects like programming and game development.Computer scienceRECORD BREAKERS!in action Every year, students from Year 7 to Year 12 take part in the Oxford University A computer science webinar, heldFun (!) fact: did you know that inComputational Thinking Challenge. in London in November, was anLondon you cannot walk more thanStudents from fifty countries take part opportunity for us to learn about thenine steps without being caught onin this challenge which is designed to near future. camera? By using latitude, longitude,challenge students and get them to focus and time, we can work out a personson logical and computational thinking. The first presentation focused onfavourite place to visit, where theyThis year has seen huge success, with the Bimodal Crossing Pattern. Whenlive, and much more. So the amountover a hundred students scoring in the top pedestrians cross roads they eitherof information companies and the10%. A first for HGS!cross when the car is very far away orgovernment can deduce with all of theThose who scored in the top 10% were when it has stopped, with very little ininformation a phone can provide is tooinvited to the Oxford University Computing between. The presenter highlightedmuch to comprehend. Overall, it wasChallenge and given the chance to methods that driverless cars could usean amazing experience to see what wedevelop their skills further and produce to signal to the pedestrian it is safe tolearn in the classroom applied to theprogrammed solutions to computational cross. It was interesting to hear aboutreal world! thinking problems.the trials that used virtual reality to mimic the scenario of crossing the roadRaahil Junaid, Year 13 A massive shout out to Ihsan Ermis in Year between two cars, as well as plans for7, Yazan Kafienah in Year 8, George Lin future trials. and Ben Marra in Year 9, Kaelen Van Vliet Computer science as the basis ofin Year 10 and Arshjeet Nagi in Year 12 for mathematics was the focus of theachieving the highest scores in their year next talk. The presenter, who hadgroups. A special mention to 7 Nelson completed his A-levels at 14, explainedwho occupied the top five spots in Year 7. that through functional programmingWell done and good luck in the next stage!we can prove mathematical theorems,Mr T. Ahmedstrengthening the wall of academia on which new mathematical findings rely. If any one of those were proved wrong, then the mathematics that followed would also be false.27'