b'David Akanihu, Daniel Alloh NELSON and Hari Whitehouse. We alsoWILLIAM have a second place finish for Our House programme hasGurmukh Gill for the Connect 4Inspired by the really shone this year with acompetition. Birmingham variety of events for all of ourThis has been a successfulCommonwealth students to get stuck in to!year for both Year 10 and 11.Games HGS pupils I want to thank our House10N have had success both inhave been competing Captain, Arthur Sangangsporting and non-sporting eventswith renewed vigour Tuzolana, and Deputy HouseNELSON with a third place finish in thefor the House trophy.WILLIAMCaptain, Aryan Ram, for all ofFootball and a first place finish inA special thanks must their hard work with Nelson the Handball. 10N were also championsgo to our House Captain, Mohammed House this year. of the House Rowing competition, puttingFohpa and our Vice-Captain, Ajay Mann Lets start with our 7N students.together a winning team consisting offor motivating the students right from Congratulations to Jarred Vargara andAbdulla Zarrugh, Rajan Aery, Kaelen Vanthe start of the academic year. House Dheen Khan for their success in theVliet, Jai Whitehouse and Mubarak DaWilliam has had a long partnership Countdown and Mastermind competitionsSilva. Our 10Ns were also winners ofwith our charity, Birmingham Childrens respectively and to Harman Singh forthe FIFA tournament. We have also hadHospital, and earlier in the year Ajay second place in Photography. Year 7 haveindividual success for 10N with a firstdelivered a wonderful assembly on how also shone on the sports field, with a thirdand third place finish in the Photographyfundraising benefits children in hospital.place finish in Football, second place incompetition for Keaton Gill and MubarakHouse Competition has been the focus the Indoor Athletics and a well-deservedDa Silva respectively. of several Enrichment Days. Leading the first place finish in Handball. 11N have had success with sportingway were 10W, who got the House off 8N were champions in a hard-foughtevents too, with a third place finish into a solid start in Basketball, Badminton Rowing competition, with a winning teamAthletics, second place in the Houseand Dodgeball competitions, earning made up of Dillon Bamford, MatthewFootball competition and another firstvaluable points in all events. Our team Fenwick, Yuvraj Singh, Zaidaan Mustafaplace for Handball.I am beginningin Year 9 started with the Badminton and Jovan Dosanjh. The sporting successto think Handball is Nelsons forte!competition, and Faaris Alom and Able continued for 8N who gained a secondCongratulations to Josh HoldsworthJackson from 9W were pronounced place finish in Football and a third placefor second place in the Photographyoverall winners in the doubles. Both the finish in Handball; all adding valuablecompetition and Jamie CallaghansDodgeball and Basketball competitions House points!For the second year in aSpecial Merit Award for Photography too. were keenly fought with a number of row both Tarun Rajput and Rajvir SinghI am so pleased with all of our successesclose games being played out, with 9W have achieved Gold in the Junior Mathsthis year; lets keep it up in this final stretchfinishing in second place in both sports.Challenge results with Silver for Varinderof the school year. I would like to wish ourIn the House Spelling competition Dhillon and William Tran too. departing 11N and all the Nelson Sixthstudents were asked to spell out words 9N finished in second place in their rowingFormers all the luck for whatever path theysuch as conscientious in front of an competition, with a strong team madeare taking next. audience of their peers. Pratham Patel up of Gurmukh Gill, Ethisham Hussain,Ms Saleem in 11W maintained his composure to be the overall Year 11 champion. Well done to all competitors - it is not easy to perform under pressure in front of House Football and Housefriends.GALAHAD Photography; 9Gsecond inIn February 11W competed in House House Spelling, House FIFAFootball and Handball, but it was in the Having secured the Houseand House Photography;House Basketball where their sporting Trophy in 2021/22 for the10Gwinners of both thetalents meant they achieved second sixth time in the eight yearsHouse Athletics and Houseplace. 8W also managed to secure that the current house systemFootball; 11Gwinners of thesome valuable House points in both the has been in place, I decidedHouse Rowing, House FIFA,D & T project and the House Debate to do some maths! AssumingHouse Connect 4, Housewhere they were placed third. With the all houses are equally likely toGALAHAD Photography and Houseweather playing its part in the most win the trophy, the probabilityFootball Competitions! Secondrecent Enrichment day events, we saw of winning six times in eightin the athletics too! A brillianta sterling performance from 8W to claim years is 0.001, and yet it has happened.effort!! Ms Lin-Fellows also won the stafftheir share of second place in the table This is testimony to the magnificentphotography competition. tennis. The best individual player for the attitudes, and willingness to compete andHouse was Jovam Mann who won all participate that all Galahad forms haveIn addition to these events, Galahad alsoof his league matches, and only lost out shown on a regular basis. It is a privilegehad students in all year groups making ato one of the finalists in the knockout to be House Master of such a positive andsignificant positive contribution throughrounds. 8W secured second spot in the enthusiastic House! While coming first isSIMS which acknowledges academicfootball, and were placed third in the always enjoyable, it is always the have aexcellence and very good behaviour. OurHockey and fifth in Athletics.go approach, irrespective of where youmost impressive students on SIMS are:With the final day of athletic events due finish, that we promote and emphasise7GMichal Kopec +170; 8GSarujanto take place on Sports Day, the House in our form and House assemblies. WithKasinthan +143; 9GNihal Sharma +169;competition will be very close, and each the Year 9 enrichment day, and sports10GWaleed Bhatt and Ben Yarnall, bothpoint is crucial in deciding the outcome day, still to come, here are some of the+109; 11GFaraaz Khan +149. of the House Trophy for 2023 Good luck notable successes that the students haveA big thank you and congratulations to allto all the competitors for House William; achieved this year: G-Force forms, particularly the outgoingalways give your best and never give up!7Gsecond in both the House Footballform 11G whose consistent contribution and House Debate; 8Gwinners of thehas been immense!!Mr McCarronMr A.K. Campbell'