b'Music ServiceGALA CONCERT Our Brass Quintet was invited to perform in the Birmingham Music Services Area Gala Concert at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in March. The concert involves ensembles of all different sizes and ages from across the city performing in one of the countrys finest venues. Our KEVI HGS quintet comprises Daniel Earle, Johan Del Rosario, James Rigby and Ajeet Bolina. The fabulous acoustics of the concert hall allowed our boys to shine. They will be performing some of the same repertoire at our Summer Concert.NATIONAL YOUTH ORCHESTRAINSPIRE PROGRAMME In early 2023, I participated in a National Youth Orchestra weekend activity called NYO Inspire, which was held in Blackpool. Over the weekend we practised and eventually performed to our parents and relatives a variety of pieces, ranging from jazz music to classical. We were given the opportunity to be taught by National Youth Orchestra tutors, who each specialised in either a brass or woodwind instrument. Unfortunately, no one played my instrument, the euphonium, so I spent time with different groups depending on the piece. We also played alongside actual orchestra members our age and learned a great deal from them as well.There were about fifty Inspire members and we spent about eight hours a day playing the eight or so pieces. We also did many activities to do with teamwork and cohesion, including rhythm games. The tutors were all very experienced andI gained a lot of musical knowledge and skill in my time there.I thoroughly enjoyed my experience despite being turned down due to my instrument not being designed for orchestras. I certainly hope to go again next year.Daniel Earle, Year 1037'