b'THEKAI-RATE KID!Congratulations to Kai-rate King Kai Dawkins who won the Bronze medal at the 2022 World Karate Federation Commonwealth Games. He only missed out on the final by one point! The event was held at the University of Birmingham and Kai stayed with the England team on campus. A wonderful achievement and a great experience.Kai also competed at the Banzai Championships in Berlin recently where he won a Silver medal. An even better achievement! Well done Kai!A CLIMATE IN CRISIS In February 2023, our Year 12 and 13engagingly on job aspirations and lifeEnvironment, Economics and Policy Geographers attended an excellent talkafter A-levels. (LEEP) Institute at the University of by old boy Ian Bateman on current globalHaving been educated here atExeter. Alongside this, he used to be environmental issues, in particular theHandsworth Grammar School, hepart of the Natural Capital Committee, climate crisis. This supported our A-levelwent on to study at the Universitieswhere he assisted UK leaders in making students study of Water and Carbonof Birmingham, Manchester andenvironmental decisions, while ensuring Cycles as well as geography in the widerNottingham and he is currently Professorthe UK kept its natural assets.world. He also talked humorously andof Environmental Economics at the Land,Ian spoke about his vast range of achievements and emphasised to our students the importance of doing what you enjoy instead of chasing money, providing inspiration for our future geographers. He went on to discuss the fact that everyone is a stakeholder in global warming and that we must all participate in dealing with the climate change crisis; this caused the students to reflect on their own as well as their peers actions towards the environment. He finished with a Q&A, where they delved more into his passion for the subject, before a tour of the school, where he supplied us with some very insightful and humorous stories from his time at our school.Mr Thaper57'