b'View from the 1915 BridgeFOOTBALLCHRISTMAS 1915Our football teams, apparently, are determined to do nothing by halves. Winning or losing, there is a wholesome thoroughness about them. A hundred and twenty goals is the tale of fifteen matches!THE RED DEVILSIt would be ungenerous to complain too much about the defeats that both our teams suffered in the games with Stourbridge and Walsall. Our opponents,As avid football enthusiasts, our recentThe clubs history came alive as we Stourbridge, conspicuously were muchschool trip to Old Trafford was an absoluteexplored the exhibits dedicated to older and bigger than ourselves, but atdream come true. Steeped in historyManchester Uniteds iconic moments. the same time we must admit that theand brimming with legends, this iconicFrom the Munich Air Disaster to the Kings Norton and Yardley boys offeredstadium provided us with an unforgettabletreble-winning season, we delved into a very weak opposition. But, takingexperience, leaving us with a deeperthe clubs triumphs and tribulations. altogether, the first eleven have oftenappreciation for the beautiful game. The interactive displays and engaging had more of a game than the adversemultimedia presentations provided us with score seems to indicate, and if we hadOur tour of Old Trafford began with a visita comprehensive understanding of the a regular and reliable goalkeeper thereto the trophy room, a shrine to Manchesterclubs rich heritage.would be very different results. Uniteds remarkable achievements. The A goalkeeper, probably more thansight of the numerous gleaming trophiesNo visit to Old Trafford would be complete anyone else, either inspires hisevoked a sense of awe and admiration.without a glimpse into the player changing colleagues or depresses them. His isFrom Premier League titles to UEFArooms. The aura of anticipation and the most responsible position, and,Champions League triumphs, each piececamaraderie lingered in the air, allowing strange as it may seem, it is he thatof silverware told a unique story of theus to glimpse the inner workings of a most frequently leads the side toclubs illustrious past. It was an incredibleprofessional football team.victory. opportunity to witness first-hand the fruitsOur trip to Old Trafford will forever remain of the teams hard work and dedication. etched in our memories. Exploring the Moving onto the pitch, we weretrophies, walking on the hallowed pitch, View from theimmediately struck by its immaculatedelving into the clubs history, and peering condition. The lush green grass,into the player changing rooms truly meticulously maintained, stretched outheightened our love for the beautiful game. 1920 Bridge before us like a canvas waiting to beThis experience not only deepened our painted with moments of glory. Standingadmiration for Manchester United but in the same spot that football legends hadalso ignited a passion for football that will once graced, we couldnt help but feel acontinue to thrive within us.FOOTBALL surge of excitement and anticipation.CHRISTMAS 1920 Erjon Beqiri, 10WNow, with regard to the first team there is a woeful lack of dash. The play of the forwards is half-hearted and there is not one of them who will worry the backs facing them. There is too much manoeuvringtoo many little touches and consequently a deal of fumbling. Time and again the ball gets in front of goal and there is no forward sure enough or with thrust enough to put it through. The outside wing play is of the kick and rush typeit goes off and fizzles out like a squib.32'