b'Mrs Ward arrived in theMUSIC DEPARTMENTAutumn term bringing with her a wealth of experience of singing, directing choirs and teaching classroom music.WINTER CONCERT 2022 Our Winter Concert at St Marys Church took place on 1Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, Lower School Woodwind December. On the previous two occasions I had takenEnsemble and Junior Guitar Ensemble.students to the church and recorded them to createThe programme was peppered with a range of solos a Winter Concert video. As wonderful as those videosand duets from students in all years. We enjoyed solo were, nothing replaces the excitement of hearing musicperformances from Angus Huang (classical guitar), Jinjie performed live, so it was wonderful to see a packedLin (classical guitar), Asher Jordan (piano), Maximus church with over 90 students performing. Rueff (trumpet), Manav Talwar (violin), Hardev Manku The concert started with the Lower School choir under(piano), Raahil Junaid (piano), Arjun Sond (classical the direction of Mrs Ward. Her skill and passion forguitar) and Daniel Earle (euphonium). The pianists singing and directing choirs were immediately evidenthad the privilege of performing on an eight-foot in their fantastic performances. The other ensemblesSteinway concert grand piano which, when new, cost performing that night were the Senior Keyboardover 150,000! We look forward to returning here in Ensemble, String Quartet, String Ensemble, SchoolDecember 2023.35'