b'A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGEIt will not be disputed by anyone that fromThroughout the many, many years that The Bridge has time immemorial Editors have had to faceexisted its editors have commented on how difficult it is to elicit contributions for its pages. Back in 1919 the editor an almost insuperable difficulty in obtainingcommented that it was the duty of every boy to endeavour to submit some contribution to the magazine and that to any original work for the Bridge. In everyboy heard to grumble that the Bridge is a mere record of Editorial for the past ten years there is somedry facts that everyone knows before it appears, we answer that it is his own fault. By Easter 1922 the editors were reference to the matter, and we ourselvesconcerned that there was so little material that the magazine not long ago predicted that if there was nowould cease to exist. I am happy to report that the Library of Birmingham holds copies of our school magazine from its improvement the School Magazine would ceaseearly infancy1907up to the end of the 20th century so I to exist. There has been no improvement andam assuming there were enough contributions to satisfy all this issue is the result. the editors of the past.I hope you enjoy this copy of The Bridge and leave you with this thought. Ask not what your magazine can do for you but what you can do for your magazine!Ms Brown3'