b'The Coronation OF KING CHARLES IIIWe are now well and truly in the Carolean EraputCORONATIONdown the bunting, scoff the sconesthe deed is done.Britain has been born anewin the body of a 74-year-old white man, surprisingly fitting, no? The first coronation for 70 years is over; the pomp and processions are over; but what does it all mean?Strikingly, the coronation service itself was a bridge to Britains history, involving elements that have lasted over a thousand years. The tradition and the splendour are what drew us to the coronation, to see a man transformed into more; and, in Britain in 2023, this still resonates. The coronation was an important start to a new chapter of our national story; it illustratedof generational antipathy and more the monarchys ability to adapt and endure like a rosepotently apathy are coming to call on Britains time from the concrete. It is a moment that deserves to beas a monarchy. Yet, I am not convinced: the monarchy commemorated and celebrated, for everything wevehas shown a remarkable resilience in the face of genuine done, who we are and everything we hope to be. adversity and I believe it will reinvent itself again to reflect However, there are some who say this may be the lasta modern Britain that still needs that bridge to the old.hurrah for the House of Windsor, that the spectresMr HarveyCORONATION YEARS Whats so vital about statistics? Coronation years in numbers:300,000 30,000 1.50 1.20 100,000,0001.5 1.2250000 25000 1.01.2 80000000200000 20000 0.80.9 60000000150000 15000 0.61,890 270,000 415 30,000 4p 1.40 4p 1.15 912,000 100,000,0000.6 40000000100000 10000 0.40.3 2000000050000 5000 0.20 0 0.0 0.0 01953 2023 1953 2023 1953 2023 1953 2023 1953 2023Average Starting salaryPetrol Loaf of Coronationhouse prices for teacher price per litre breadFREE GIFTS! chose for you as they had the power tomug glass, a propelling pencil, a crested In 1953 all schoolchildren in Birminghamdo this and the past is, after all, a foreignspoon or a decorated tin of chocolates. were awarded a Coronation gift by the Citycountry. Books about the Queen were veryIf you have found it too difficult to select Education Department. Every primary schoolpopular in girls schools, as were specialthen you are not alone: some scholars pupil was given a souvenir mug (there arecopies of the Bible, but some schoolsplumped for having the money instead and many on eBay!), but for secondary schoolplunged for a pocket knifesee I told youwere awarded the princely sum of 2s and pupils the choiceif you were given one the past is a foreign country! 6d. The catch? It had to be spent on a was rather more extensive. Some schoolsWhat would you have chosen from thisCoronation tea party or celebration.list of souvenirs: a very attractive half pintMs Brown7'